A Year in Chile

Follow our family as we head south of the border for 12 months.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Punctuality is not a concept of any importance in Santiago. Meetings, events, sports, etc., simply do not start on time here. For example, I've had two business meetings with the same company, and neither meeting started either early or on time (in fact, I actually rescheduled and left after waiting over 30 minutes.) Molly had a football championship event the other night so her team could earn their medals. It started 50 minutes late. And I was worried that we would be late since the traffic was so bad.

So I can do one of two things: either get very agitated and stressed that nothing runs on time, or sit back, relax and take on the Chilean mentality of "it will happen when it happens." I've chosen the latter and believe me, it's a lot less stressful.

1 comment:

TheJAT said...

Reminds me of working in the BVI on Caribbean time. In fact, a lot of the rest of the world is that way, too.